External Sonar ESP

Using PyMeow

How does it work?

There are three major steps:

Example Code

I've made a simple Sonar/Sound ESP for Assault Cube to show how it works.

The distance between the entities is calculated using  d = √ [(x2 – x1)^2 + (y2 – y1)^2 + (z2 – z1)^2]


# AssaultCube

import pyMeow as pm

from math import sqrt, inf

from winsound import Beep

from time import sleep

class Config:

    distance = 80

class Offsets:

    LocalPlayer = 0x18AC00

    EntityList = 0x18AC04

    PlayerCount = 0x18AC0C

    pHeadpos = 0x4

    pTeam = 0x30C

    pHealth = 0xEC

class Entity:

    def __init__(self, proc, pawn):

        self.proc = proc

        self.pawn = pawn



    def team(self):

        return pm.r_int(self.proc, self.pawn + Offsets.pTeam)



    def health(self):

        return pm.r_int(self.proc, self.pawn + Offsets.pHealth)



    def headpos(self):

        return pm.r_vec3(self.proc, self.pawn + Offsets.pHeadpos)


def distance(player, entity):

    return sqrt((player["x"] - entity["x"])**2 + (player["y"] - entity["y"])**2 + (player["z"] - entity["z"])**2)

def main():

    proc = pm.open_process("ac_client.exe")

    base = pm.get_module(proc, "ac_client.exe")["base"]

    print("Started Sonar ESP.")

    while True:

        pCount = pm.r_int(proc, base + Offsets.PlayerCount)

        if pCount > 1:

            entities = pm.r_ints(proc, pm.r_int(proc, base + Offsets.EntityList), pCount)

            localplayer = Entity(proc, pm.r_int(proc, base + Offsets.LocalPlayer))

            lowestDist = inf

            for entityAddr in entities[1:]: # Loop through the entity list


                    entity = Entity(proc, entityAddr)

                    if localplayer.team != entity.team and entity.health > 0:

                        # Calculate the distance

                        dist = distance(localplayer.headpos, entity.headpos)

                        if dist < lowestDist:

                            lowestDist = dist



            if lowestDist < Config.distance: # -> Play the sound

                pitch = max(1500, 3200 - 10 * lowestDist)

                duration = max(120, 10 * lowestDist)

                Beep(int(pitch), int(duration))




if __name__ == "__main__":




I've made a Sound ESP for Counter-Strike 2 too. You can check it out here.